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System Settings

Privilege Settings

Use this function to add/edit roles and customize privileges to a role.

  1. On the System Settings screen, click the Privilege Settings tab [1].
  2. To add a new role, click the Add Role button [2].
  3. The newly added role will be added to the table.
  4. Then you can modify the privilege settings [3] to a role in the table or click the Pencil (Edit) icon to modify the role name [3].
  5. To delete a role, click the Delete icon [4].
  6. After you’re done, click the Save Changes button [5] to save all the changes you made.


  • System Admin (Super Admin) role is created by ULearning and not editable by the users.
  • System Settings, Sub-system Settings, and Cloud Meeting modules are only available to the System Admin (Super Admin) role.