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Viewing Class Roster

Viewing Class Roster

To view the roster of students in a class in ULearning, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access the Class List

  • From the Class List screen, locate the class for which you want to view the roster.
  • Click the "Actions" dropdown menu at the end of the class row.
  • Select the "Roster" action and click on it.

Step 2: View the Student Roster

  • You will be redirected to the Student Roster screen, where you can see the list of students who have been added to the class.
  • The students you recently added to the class will be listed here.


  • The process described in this guide allows you to add students to the class manually. Typically, students are registered by the school's administrative staff. This guide simply demonstrates that you have the ability to add students to the class independently.
  • There are alternative methods to add students, which are explained in detail in the complete version of the ULearning Teacher Guide.

By following these steps, you can easily view the roster of students for a specific class in ULearning. This allows you to keep track of the students enrolled in each class section or session within a course.