Importing Questions in Batch – Using an Excel Template
If you have a large number of questions to create, you can use the batch import feature in ULearning. Follow the steps below to import questions using an Excel template:
Step 1: Access the Batch Import Feature
- On the Question Bank screen, locate and click the Batch Import button [1].
- This action will open the "Import Questions in Batch" popup window.
Step 2: Download the Template
- In the "Import Questions in Batch" popup window, click the Download Template button [2].
- The template, named "Import Questions in Batch," will be downloaded to your local computer.
- Open the template and follow the instructions provided to enter your questions.
- Once you have entered all the questions, save the file.
Step 3: Upload the Completed File
- Return to the "Import Questions in Batch" popup window.
- Click the Upload File button [3].
- Select the file you just completed and click Open.
- The questions in the file will be uploaded and added to the Question Bank.
Instructions for Using the Template:
The template allows you to add up to 200 questions at a time.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Some fields without an asterisk might still be required for certain question types. Refer to the instructions below to identify these fields.
The template supports the import of seven question types: Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, True/False, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, Sequence, and Combination.
Combination questions are questions with multiple sub-questions. The sub-questions must be one of the six question types mentioned above (Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, True/False, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer, and Sequence).
The template screenshot above includes a sample combination question and its sub-questions highlighted in blue.
For Combination questions, you do not need to fill in the Difficulty, Share, and Related Module fields for the sub-questions.
The Serial No field is used to differentiate Combination questions from other types of questions. The Combination question and its sub-questions should have the same Serial No.
The Points field is required. If left empty or with an invalid value, the system will assign 2 points by default. For Combination questions, enter the points for each sub-question, and the system will calculate the total for the combination question.
Enter a value from 1 to 5 in the Difficulty field: 1 = Very easy, 2 = Easy, 3 = Average, 4 = Difficult, 5 = Very difficult.
The Share field can have values: Private, Selected teachers, School teachers, or All teachers.
Use the "Courseware name>Module name" format for the Related Module field (optional). For example: "Insurance 101>Introduction" means the question is related to the "Introduction" module of the "Insurance 101" courseware.
The Tag field (optional) is used for search and classification. Enter up to 3 tags, each tag should be less than 11 characters, separated by # without spaces. For example: "Insurance#Coverage#Discount".
The Answer field:
- Multiple Choice: a single letter from A to O (capitalized).
- Multiple Response: letters from A to O (capitalized) separated by a semicolon (;) without spaces.
- True/False: True or False.
- Fill in the Blank: the answer for each blank separated by a semicolon (;) without spaces.
- Sequence: letters from A to O (capitalized) in order and separated by a semicolon (;) without spaces.
The Question Stem field: Use five consecutive underscores (_____) to represent a blank. For example: "San Francisco is a city in _____ state. The state's capital city is _____."
The Choice A-O fields: Support up to 15 choice fields and are required for Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, and Sequence questions or sub-questions.
The Question Instructions field is only required for Combination questions, and you can leave it empty for other question types.