Scheduling Exam Facility
To schedule an exam facility in ULearning, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click the "Schedule Exam Facility" button.
Step 2: Selecting the Facility
- Select the facility [1] that will host the exam.
- Click the "Next Step" button.
Step 3: Selecting the Exam Facility Icon
- Click to select the exam facility icon.
Step 4: Confirming the Selection
Click the "Next Step" button.
Step 5: Exam Facility Assignments
- The test takers will be automatically assigned to the facility [1] you selected in the previous steps.
- If you selected multiple facilities, you can click the "Edit Exam Facility" button [2] to modify or fine-tune the assignments.
- If you have multiple classes involved in the facility assignment, you can click the "Exchange Exam Facility" button [3] to switch the facility between two classes.
- Once you are satisfied with the assignment, click the "Save" button.
Step 6: Viewing and Managing the Schedule
The scheduling will be listed on the Facilities screen [1].
To add proctor(s), click the "Click to Add" link [2].
To view a list of test takers, click the "Examinee List" link [3].
To save a copy of the scheduling to your local computer, click the "Export Schedule" button [4].
To make changes to the scheduling, click the "Schedule Exam Facility" button [5].
To remove the scheduling and free the facility, click the "Remove Facility Schedule" button [6].
By following these steps, you can schedule an exam facility in ULearning. You can select the facility, assign test takers, manage proctors, and make changes to the scheduling as needed.