Adding / Updating / Deleting Exam Facilities
To manage exam facilities in ULearning, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the Facilities Tab
- On the Exam Management screen, click the "Facilities" tab.
Step 2: Schedule Exam Facility
- Click the "Schedule Exam Facility" button.
Step 3: Adding a New Exam Facility
- To add a new exam facility, click the "+ Add Exam Facility" button.
- Enter the exam facility name [1], for example, "Computer Lab 101."
- Enter the number of seats the facility has [2], for example, 50.
- Select the type of exam facility [3]: either "Normal classroom" or "Computer lab."
- Click the "Save" button [4] to add the exam facility.
Step 4: Editing an Exam Facility
To make changes to an exam facility, click the "Edit" link.
Make the desired changes and then click the "Save" button.
Step 5: Deleting an Exam Facility
To remove an exam facility from the system, click the "Delete" button.
Click the "Confirm" button.
By following these steps, you can add, update, or delete exam facilities in ULearning. This allows you to manage the available facilities for conducting exams effectively.