Creating an Exam Offering (Course Exam) - Using Pre-created Exam
When creating an exam offering or session, you have two options: using a pre-created exam or creating an instantly generated random exam. In this section, we'll focus on creating an exam offering using a pre-created exam. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Access the Exam Screen
- From the Exam screen, click the Add Course Exam button.
Step 2: Configure Exam Offering Details
On the Add Course Exam screen, enter the course exam name [1], such as "CA106A Midterm Exam."
Select the "Pre-defined Exam" option for the Course Exam [2].
Click the Select Exam button [3]. This will open the Select Exam screen.
- Select the exam you want to include in the course exam.
- Click the Insert Exam button.
- The selected exam will be added to the Add Course Exam screen.
Enter the passing score [4], for example, 60 points.
Select when to show the exam results [5], for example, "Right after submission."
Enter the exam duration in minutes [6], for example, 90 minutes.
Select what to show for the exam results [7], for example, "Score."
Select the number of exam attempts allowed [8], for example, 3 attempts.
Select the exam devices allowed [9], for example, "Both PC and mobile device."
Select the late start setting [10], for example, "5 minutes allowed."
Select the time limit for exam submission [11], for example, "5 minutes" (a student can only submit the exam 5 minutes after it starts).
Select whether to allow students to upload attachments for Short Answer questions [12].
Select the checkboxes to enable anti-cheating features [13]: Device monitoring, IP monitoring, Face verification, and Camera monitoring.
- Note: These are optional features with an additional cost. By default, they are deactivated. If you want to activate these features, contact ULearning at
Enter the availability time (Start/End) [14] for the exam session.
Click the Select Class button [15]. This will open the Select Class popup window.
Select the class(es) you want to assign the exam to.
Click the Confirm button.
The selected class will be added to the exam session.
You can delete the session or expand/collapse the session to view more or less session information [17].
To add more sessions, click the "+ Add Session" link [18] and repeat the process. For example, you can create a session for full-time students and another session for continuing education students.
Finally, click the Publish Course Exam button [19].
Step 3: View the Created Exam Offering
- The newly created course exam will be listed on the Exams screen.
By following these steps, you can create an exam offering using a pre-created exam. This allows you to select an existing exam and configure the settings specific to the exam offering, such as passing score, exam duration, and anti-cheating features. You can also assign the exam offering to specific classes or groups of students.